Cambridge Mosque & Synagogue Visit

22nd June 2023
Neptune's Visit to Cambridge 
It's been a busy week, this time it's the term of Neptune Class who, as part of their Religious Education Studies, visited Cambridge New Mosque and the Beth Shalom Synagogue.
They started their day at the New Mosque, with a guided tour and a wealth of fascinating information. The Mosque was designed by Emma Clark, the same architect who designed the London Eye. It was designed with a green space, which is prevalent to their eco-friendly ethos, they were also able to take a look at the beautiful calligraphy scribing on the outside of the building. Inside the children learned about the importance of washing hands, removing shoes and the direction of prayer. Matilda tells us - "The Mosque was so pretty - there were lots of gold and turquoise colours and lovely carvings. It was also really interesting to find out about Mecca."
The afternoon saw them visit the Beth Shalom Synagogue where they learned about the Shabbat (the special meal that Jewish people hold on a Friday night). They also had the opportunity to look at the Torah Scrolls (a Hand written scroll containing the entire text of the Five Books of Moses).
Some beautiful architecture and a fascinating insight to other religious places of worship. A super day.