Curriculum Information

Here at Cavendish Primary school we follow the National Curriculum Framework guidance as set out by the DFE (Department for Education).The National Curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject. For further information take a look at The National Curriculum as published by the DFE.
Our staff have developed a broad and rich curriculum which meets statutory needs and expectations with a strong emphasis on the arts, creativity, self expression and reflection. 
The school holds the Gold Award ArtsMark status for its work in art, dance, drama and music. We believe that the arts provide an opportunity for self expression and a means to respond to awe and wonder in the world around us.

Please take a look at our Subject Planning and Progression Maps for further info of our curriculum timetable.
Phonics and Reading
In Cavendish we follow a programme which supports the systematic teaching of phonics. Children are taught to recognise sounds orally and in print. Blending sounds together structures the ability to read and decode new words, whilst segmenting words into their composite sounds supports the ability to spell when writing. The school uses the Oxford Reading Tree Scheme and Floppy Phonics (re-accredited as an approved scheme 2023) which is linked to Letters and Sounds, individual reading books, guided reading, games, writing and use of the Interactive Whiteboard Software supports children at each stage in their learning. Please also take a look at The Reading Framework as published by the DFE.
The Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework sets out the standards that school and childcare providers must meet for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years of age. When your child enters into our Reception year, Mars Class, they will follow the Statutory Framework as set out by the DFE. In Mars Class we also use an online learning journal 'Tapestry' to support and celebrate the learning and development of our Reception Year children.
Here at Cavendish we are committed to the teaching, learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of all children. We believe that children, regardless of ability, should be valued equally. Different needs are recognised and met through a varied and flexible provision.
We actively seek the involvement of:
  • parents
  • children
  • governors
  • staff
  • external support services
Please take a look at our SEND tab for further information.