Sports & Events

Sports Day 2023
And what a day it was...."a really positive afternoon full of fun, perseverance and great sportsmanship! We are all really proud of the children, who all rose to the challenge of the many races and competitions. It was lovely to see them encouraging and cheering for each other, as well as seeing so many adults gathered together to support the children." Mrs. Clarke PE subject lead. doesn't stop there, a comment from one of our parents on the day; "We just wanted to say how much we enjoyed the afternoon. The staff obviously put a lot of work into it and the children were all very well behaved. We were very impressed that all the children, regardless of their ages, were loudly and enthusiastically encouraging and supporting the children on the running track - especially those that were trailing a bit behind the faster runners. Thanks for a lovely afternoon."
And to round it all off, my favourite quote from James in Mars Class - "My favourite bit of the week was throwing the javelin at sports day, and also having an ice lolly after!"